My Dream Country

When I was a boy I thought that all the countries were relatively the same, so when I knew that there was a place like Italy I was amazed by its characteristic. This country is famous for The Coliseum, for Venice canals, for Tower of Pizza, and many others places.
 I would like to know the Venice canals because if I went there I would take a canoe. I would sail for a long time in this beautiful canals and I would see the house over the water. Do you imagine this moment in the night? It´s amazing!
Also the people of Italy are strange but in a god sense. I have been told that they are many happy because they work less hours, so they have more hours for to enjoy. I am worry for the language because I am not god at learning a language. However, if I would live in Italy for some months, I am sure that I would learn the lenguague.

Resultado de imagen para italy Resultado de imagen para italy Resultado de imagen para italy


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