Lev Vygotsky

Vygotsky studied varied profession, but I admire him because the things that he wrote are the basis of development psychology. I do not remember what the country of Vygotsky is, but I remember that he died young, for this he is well-known as the Mozart of psychology.
He said that the children learn by sings and tools. The signs are the things that we internalize of the environment and it gives means of the thing through the contact with others. For this part, the tools are the thing that we change the environment. So, there is another who teaches to children signs and tools for that they reach a potential knowledge. He talked about every child has a zone of development real that it should move to a zone of development potential, if and when somebody help them.
I like him because he inspired me to be best person; his teachings help to understand the importance of good education in the children. I want to know how understand to children.


  1. I love Vygotsky and his historic-cultural theory

  2. Vygotsky makes that we can see the importance of the culture and the history, awesome !


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